- Founding Director, Center for the Future Mind., Florida Atlantic University (FAU), Boca Raton, FL.
- William F. Dietrich Distinguished Professor of Philosophy of Mind, Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute, and Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, FAU.
- Co-director, MPCR Lab (Machine Perception and Cognitive Robotics Lab).
- Email: Susansdr@gmail.com
Schneider writes about the nature of the self and mind, especially from the vantage point of issues in philosophy, AI, cognitive science and astrobiology. Before opening the Center for the Future Mind she held the NASA Chair with NASA and the Distinguished Scholar Chair at the Library of Congress. In her recent book, Artificial You: AI and the Future of the Mind, she discusses the philosophical implications of AI, and, in particular, the enterprise of "mind design." Schneider recently completed a three year project with NASA on the future of intelligence. She now works with Congress on AI policy. She is delighted to be the founding director of the Center for the Future Mind and co-director of the MPCR Lab at FAU's new Gruber Sandbox, a large facility which builds AI systems drawing from neuroscience research and philosophical developments. She also appears frequently on television shows on stations such as PBS and The History Channel (see below for clips). She writes opinion pieces for the New York Times, Scientific American and The Financial Times. Her work has been widely discussed in the media (see "media" above). She is currently working on a book on the shape of intelligent systems (for W.W. Norton).

New Book: Artificial You: AI and the Future of Your Mind
New TV and op-eds:
More News:
- Forbes Magazine: top "enlightening" short book of 2019.
- BBC World News segment on Artificial You (click to view).
- "Schneider is a sure-footed and witty guide to slippery ethical terrain...It pries clarity from the essential opacity of its central concepts, most important consciousness itself." The Washington Post
- "A demanding dialogue between philosophy and science."Nature.
- Interview at Scientific American.
- Talk on Artificial You to members of US Congress.
- Google Talk on Artificial You.
- Harvard keynote video on Artificial You. Podcast interview on the book.
- Recent op-eds in the Financial Times and The New York Times and her July FXQi talk, "Designing the Mind."
- NASA interview with Chief Scientist, Jim Green.
New TV and op-eds:
- Clip of Schneider on Neil deGrasse Tyson's TV show, Star Talk, (the National Geographic Channel). Episode 10.
- Schneider in the new film: Supersapiens. (Trailer.)
- New York Times op-ed: "Should you Add a Microchip to Your Brain?"
- TV show on Schneider's work on The Fox Channel. (Clip of "One Smart Person with Greg Gutfeld.)
- The History Channel (2 hour AI and astrobiology special, available at this link).
- Interview at Edge.org: "The Future of the Mind."
- Schneider's project with NASA is the subject of an episode on PBS TV.
More News:
- New Scientific American piece on emergent spacetime and the hard problem of consciousness.
- Ernest Mach Workshop in Prague to feature Schneider's forthcoming book.
- Schneider's test for AI consciousness (with Ed Turner) is discussed in the April 2018 cover story of Smithsonian Magazine.
- Upcoming or recent keynotes: Harvard's Kennedy school AI conference (December), "24 Hours" (meeting ofCEOs from some of the largest companies in Europe), "Varieties of Minds" (Cambridge Univ., Leverhulme Center),Duke's SSNAP neuroscience capstone conference, German Academy of Sciences (AI policy), AI/philosophy workshop (Univ. of Toronto).
- Videos/write ups under "media" about Schneider's appearances at the World Science Festival and South by Southwest.
- Schneider's AI work is being patented and developed (with exoplanet wiz, and YHouse colleague, Edwin Turner, as coinventor) and Princeton University. Click here for their new article at Scientific American and here for a piece on Bladerunner and our AI consciousness test in Smithsonian Magazine.
- New articles on her work at Inverse.com , Der Standard (Austria), Futurism.com, Respekt (Czech Republic), Popular Science, and the Future of Life Institute.
- TED talk "Can a Machine Feel?"
- Schneider's new article on her NASA project in Nautilus on AI.
- Special issue on Schneider's work in the Journal of Consciousness Studies. Topic: On the Mathematical Nature of Physics. (See "papers" for her target paper.)
- Panpsychism vs. idealism. See "Idealism, or Something Near Enough."
- New paper on superintelligence and AI safety.
- Anthology coming out based on a recent conference on her work (with Springer), Minds, Selves and 21st Century Technology.
- Short piece on AI consciousness for the Routledge Handbook in Neuroethics.
- New metaphysics piece: "What Breathes Fire into the Equations?"
- Link to talk on AI consciousness given at the Rubin Museum in NY.
- Working on projects atThe Institute of Advanced Study (in Princeton) and YHouse, a cool new think tank in NY devoted to consciousness. Here are links to the projects: writing tests for machine consciousness; sending minds to the stars (sentient interstellar probes).
- Conference on Schneider's work: Minds, Selves and Technology, with Susan Schneider.
- Schneider on what philosophers of mind should worry about (with Pete Mandik): How Philosophy of Mind can Shape the Future” (ends a 6 vol. history of philosophy of mind).
- Talk to NASA on alien minds. Discussions of this paper are in Science, Motherboard, CBS, Slate (France), The Daily Mail (UK), El Mundo (Spain) Popular Mechanics, IO9, etc. (see “media”).
- A new talk show episode on Schneider's work (available here and on CuriosityStream).
- Interview with Robert Wright (see below):