(Non-technical pieces are marked with a "*". Some papers appear in 2 categories.)
Metaphysics, Physicalism and the Mind-Body Problem
- “Idealism, or Something Near Enough," Kenny Pearce and Tyron Goldschmidt (eds.) Idealism: New Essays in Metaphysics, Oxford University Press.
- The Problem of the Physical Base: How the Mathematical Nature of Physics Undermines Physicalism, subject of a special issue of The Journal of Consciousness Studies.
- Non-reductive Physicalism and the Mind Problem, Nous, Vol. 47, Number 1, March 2013. pp. 135-153.
- Non-reductive Physicalism Cannot Accept Token Identity, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 85, Number 3, November 2012. pp. 719-228.
- Why Property Dualists must Reject Substance Physicalism, Philosophical Studies, Vol. 157, Number 1, Jan. 2012.
- "What Breathes Fire into the Equations?" Response to Critics, The Journal of Consciousness Studies, special issue on Schneider, Sept., 2017.
- The Metaphysics of Uploading, (with Joe Corabi), Journal of Consciousness Studies. (Symposium on a piece by David Chalmers, with his response.) Reprinted in Uploaded Minds (with postscript), Russell Blackford (ed.) Wiley-Blackwell.
- "Emergent Spacetime, Panpsychism, and the Nature of Consciousness," Scientific American*
- What is the Significance of the Intuition that Laws Govern? Australasian Journal of Philosophy, June, 2007.
- Events, IEP. (From my graduate school days, but a useful survey of events).
- Alien Individuals, Alien Universals, and Armstrong's Combinatorial Theory of Modality, The Southern Journal of Philosophy, Winter 2002.
Artificial Intelligence, and Computational Approaches to Thought
- “Illusory World Skepticism,” Philosophy and Phenomenal Research, Dec. 2024. (On Chalmers’ Reality+, a new form of external world skepticsm, and the Simulation Argument. Please see the journal for the final corrected version,)
- "How to Catch an AI Zombie: Testing for Consciousness in Machines", in Matthew Liao and David Chalmers, forthcoming, OUP.
- ”How Philosophy of Mind can Shape the Future" in Philosophy of Mind in the 20th and 21th Century, (with Pete Mandik), Amy Kind (ed.), forthcoming with Routledge, 2016. (The final chapter of a four volume set on the history of philosophy of mind.)*
- The Nature of Symbols in the Language of Thought, Mind and Language, Vol. 24, No. 4, Nov., 2009.
- "Alien Minds," In Dick, S.J. (ed.), The Impact of Discovering Life Beyond Earth, Cambridge University Press, pp. 189–206. (Interdisciplinary astrobiology volume.)*
- "Concepts, Symbols, Computation: An Integrative Approach" (with Janelle Salisbury) in M. Sprevak, M. Colombo (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of the Computational Mind. Routledge, 2019.
- LOT, CTM, and the Elephant in the Room, Synthese, Winter, 2009.
- Fodor’s Challenge to the Classical Computational Theory of Mind, (with Kirk Ludwig). Mind and Language, 2008.
- Yes, It Does: A Diatribe on Jerry Fodor’s The Mind Doesn’t Work That Way, Psyche, 2007.
- Direct Reference, Psychological Explanation, and Frege Cases, Mind and Language, Sept., 2005.
- Daniel Dennett’s Theory of Consciousness, in my Blackwell Companion to Consciousness, 2007.
- Chinese translation. In Philosophical Analysis, (Fu Bin, translator). Shanghai People’s Publishing House and Institute of Philosophy of Shanghai Academy of Social Science, 2012.
- The Language of Thought, for The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Psychology, John Symons and Paco Calvo, editors, 2009.
- Rethinking the Language of Thought, (with Matt Katz). WIRES: Cognitive Science, Wiley-Blackwell, forthcoming. (Solicited overview of my work on LOT.)
- Conceptual Atomism Rethought, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, June 2010.
- "Superintelligent AI and the Postbiological Cosmos Approach" in Lursch, A., What is Life? On Earth and Beyond, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, (interdisciplinary astrobiology volume).*
Ethics of Brain Enhancement, the Singularity, and the Nature of the Person
- "Artificial Intelligence, Consciousness and Moral Status," Routledge Handbook in Neuroethics, Syd Johnson, ed., 2017.*
- ”How Philosophy of Mind can Shape the Future" (with Pete Mandik) in Philosophy of Mind in the 20th and 21th Century, Amy Kind (ed.), forthcoming with Routledge, 2016. (The final chapter of a four volume set on the history of philosophy of mind.)
- "Superintelligent AI and the Postbiological Cosmos Approach" in Lursch, A., What is Life? On Earth and Beyond, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.*
- "Alien Minds," in Dick, S., Discovery, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.*
- The Metaphysics of Uploading, (with Joe Corabi), forthcoming in a special issue of the Journal of Consciousness Studies. (Symposium on a piece by David Chalmers, with his response.) Reprinted in Uploaded Minds (with postscript), Russell Blackford (ed.) Wiley-Blackwell, 2014.
- Transcending and Enhancing the Human Brain, inScience Fiction and Philosophy. (Note: this is for an interdisciplinary audience.) Reprinted in, Brain Minds, Selves and Others: Neuroscience, Neurotechnology and the Social Good. James Giordano, editor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.*
- “The Philosophy of Her.” The New York Times. (Opinion piece on AI, personal identity, and brain uploading. Pg. 1 of the digital edition. Top ten most emailed.)*
- Cognitive Enhancement and the Nature of Persons, for The University of Pennsylvania Bioethics Reader, Art Caplan and Vardit Radvisky, eds., 2009, pp. 844-856.*
Media Pieces and Book Introductions
- "Emergent Spacetime, Panpsychism, and the Nature of Consciousness,"Scientific American
- “The Philosophy of Her.” The New York Times. (Opinion piece on AI, personal identity, and brain uploading. Pg. 1 of the digital edition. Top ten most emailed.)*
- "Is Anyone Home? A Way to Find out if AI is Self Aware", Scientific American (with Edwin Turner).*
- "It May not Feel Like Anything to be an Alien," (on AI consciousness, etc.) Nautilus, 2017.*
- "The Problem of AI Consciousness,"Huffington Post, March 2016.*
- "Goodbye, Little Green Men," The Huffington Post (with Seth Shostak, SETI Institute).*
- “Science Fiction Thought Experiments as a Window into Philosophical Puzzles.” Introduction to my Science Fiction and Philosophy.*
- Consciousness Studies: An Introduction to the Issues, (with Max Velmans), introduction to our Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. (Please use “look inside” feature at Amazon)*
- The Language of Thought: Ch 1*